Wireless Access Policy


The Union County Public Library provides wireless access during normal operating hours as a public service.

Rules of Use:

  • Wireless access is provided to the public as a service free of charge on an as is basis with no guarantee and no warranty.
  • Information passing through the library's wireless access is not secured and could be monitored, captured and altered by others.
  • It is the users sole responsibility to protect his/her information from all risks associated with using the Internet, including any damage, loss, or theft that may occur as a result of the use of the library's wireless access.
  • Library staff are not able to provide technical assistance and assume no responsibility for laptop configurations, security or changes to data files resulting from connection to the library's network.
  • The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of privately owned equipment; users must keep their equipment with them at all times and may only use electrical outlets at public tables and in study rooms.
  • In using this free internet access, the user agrees and hereby releases, indemnifies, and holds harmless, the Union County Public Library and it employees from any damage to his own equipment that may result from the use of this wireless access.
  • Printing is currently not available via the wireless connection.
  • Any attempt to circumvent library procedures or any unauthorized attempt to access or manipulate library equipment, will result in permanent disconnection from the library's wireless network.
  • The library filters all Internet access. This filter blocks those sites that violate the Federal Childrens Internet Protection Act and/or the Union County Public Library's Acceptable Internet Use Policy. Filter Removal Requests will not be honored on computers not owned by the library.

***Pop-Up Blockers must be disabled for WIFI use***

Wireless Access FAQs

What do I need to access the wireless network?
To access the library's wireless network, you need a laptop (or suitable PDA or other portable device) equipped with an 802.11 a, b, or g compatible wireless card. Some portable devices have a wireless card built in while others may require you to purchase a compatible card to plug into it. Installation of the card and its associated software will vary depending upon specific device, card and operating system.

How do I connect to the Library's wireless network?
The library's wireless network is open and not password protected. It will show up as "librarywifi." By logging on, you are agreeing to abide by all policies including the Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Wireless Access Policy.

Can I print from the wireless network?
There are no printers configured on the wireless network. To print, patrons will need to transfer files to removable media (e.g. flash drive, etc.) which can be used to print from our Public Access PCs.

Can I access the library's webpage, catalog, and electronic databases through the wireless network?
Yes, access to the library's webpage, OPAC and the electronic databases is available. Our URL is www.union.lib.nc.us. The OPAC can be accessed from the library webpage or by the URL opac.union.lib.nc.us.

What if I have problems? Can Library staff assist?
Wireless access is provided as a convenience to our patrons & guests and is, therefore, provided as a best effort service. Library staff members are not able to provide technical assistance and assume no responsibility for laptop configurations, security or changes to data files resulting from connection to the library's network.